Saturday, April 15, 2006

Bootcamp Day Five - Three Homeruns

Thursday was my fifth and final day at bootcamp. It turned out to be my favorite one.

Why? Well, Autodesk hit three homeruns with me. One for each of the subjects that I covered that day.

Pipes: The additions to pipes were excellent. New rules for both pipes and structures. Structure properties that include pipe inverts that can be edited. Rules can be reapplied at my choosing. Create a network from a pline. Create an alignment from a network. Import LDT pipe runs. Interference checking for collisions or clearance (COOL!). New grips in profile.

Corridors: Lots here too. Many new spiral types. Constrained profiles (similar to horizontal alignments, Fixed, Floating, Free). Floating parabolic curves can now end a profile. Three new transparent commands (profile station from plan view, profile station and elevation from plan view, and profile station and elevation from plan view and point). Profile geometry point can now be labeled in plan views. Customizable markers replace hard-coded ones. Quick profiles, which can include the baseline geometry itself. Two new profile bands: Sectional data and Pipe Network data. Corridors regions can have styles (outlines). Graphical edit can be done. Individual sections can be edited. Corridor surfaces are true surfaces on Prospector tab. 16 new subassemblies. Two new tables: Total Volumes, Materials.

General Drafting: We will now have a Toolbox tab to the Toolspace. This will include reports, but can include custom created tools. Text masking can be added to ALL labels, they can also have a draw order specified. There is now a NOTE label for any text item. We can label basic lines and curves. Reference text in labels can be created from any combination of object(s). Expressions allow us to due math computation with object data (EXCELLENT!!!). We will be able to copy label components. Drag-and-Drop styles will now prompt to Overwrite or Rename. And perhaps my favorite of all EDIT INDIVIDUAL LABEL TEXT VALUES.

It was a very useful and educational week. As you can see there is much to learn, absorb, and incorporate into our habits. That being said, I am sure glad to be home.

I'll be back soon with more detailed posts.

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