Wednesday, May 10, 2006

New Blogs


I have been a little negligent in updating the Blog links in the left column. Here are a few new Blogs that you may find useful.

Cad Insider by Roopinder Tara, Editor of TenLinks (an incredibly useful site for all segments of engineering). I am sure that his Blog will be just as useful.

Civil 3D - In The Trenches by Stephen Sherrill. As a non-reseller he will offer a unique propective. (I saw this in Jason Hickey's Blog)

Lastly, Cadopolis is providing a page that captures many Blog feeds and contains several Topics (channels).

These should be added to the left shortly.

1 comment:

Angel Espinoza said...

I wish to thank Stephen Sherrill for correcting my incorrect title of his blog. It is now fixed. Good luck Stephen.